Anthropology of Baja California
Welcome to the bilingual webpage for Baja California anthropology! Para la traducción al español, haga clic aquí. For visitors unfamiliar with the subject, we offer brief “Orientations” to the region’s geography, prehistoric archaeology, cultural anthropology, aboriginal languages, physical anthropology, and…
Prehistoric Ceramics of Southern California
The objective of this section is to provide tools that will assist researchers and students in their investigations of the aboriginal ceramics of the southern California region. Please send additions, corrections, and suggestions to the editor. Ceramic Sections Annotated Bibliography:…
Research Issues in San Diego Prehistory
Research Issues in San Diego Prehistory is unconventional in several respects. It may be helpful to try to clarify its aims and methods. One thing that might be expected from a discussion of regional prehistory is a comprehensive, up-to-date summary of…