Annotated Bibliography: Reports, Presentations, Manuscripts

Apple, Rebecca M., Andrew York, Andrew Pigniolo, James H. Cleland, and Stephen Van Wormer
1997 –- Archaeological Survey and Evaluation Program for the Salton Sea Test Base, Imperial County, California. KEA Environmental, San Diego.Brown, Robert S.
2012 — Clay Figurines from the Encino Village Site, CA-LAN-43, Los Angeles County, California. Manuscript on file, Scientific Resource Surveys, Orange, California.2012 — Non-Figurine Clay Fragments from the Encino Village Site, CA-LAN-43, Los Angeles County, California. Manuscript on file, Scientific Resource Surveys, Orange, California.Burton, Margie
2012 — Malcolm J. Rogers on Archaeological Ceramics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Influence of the early archaeologist on the development of studies in the region.)

Cardenas D. Sean, and Stephen R. Van Wormer
1984 — Archaeological Investigations of SDI-4648 and SDM-W-348. RBR & Associates, San Diego. (1,511 ceramic artifacts from Avocado Highlands near El Cajon, pp. 136-146)

Carrico, Richard L., and Clifford V. F. Taylor
1983 — Excavation of a Portion of Ystagua, a Coastal Valley Ipai Settlement. Westec Services, San Diego. (3,257 sherds, almost all San Diego I Brown, pp. 113, 116-125, Appendix A)

Crabtree, Robert H.
1979 — A Critique of Ceramic Studies in California and Some Adjacent Areas. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Analyses are “found wanting in descriptive clarity, statements of goals of analysis, standardization of typologies, and in lack of comparability of data.”)

Cutrone, Daniel
1996 — Quantitative Study of Preistory Pottery from Site CA-SDI-10156/SDI-12599/H, MCAS Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, California. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Petrographic and geochemical analyses of local brownware.)

Davidson, Elizabeth, and Frank Dittmer
2010 — Ceramic Vessel Form and Function at the Spindrift Site in La Jolla, California. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Rim sherds used to determine vessel shape and function.)

Frierman, Jay D.
1987 — Southern California Brown Ware. In Historical and Archaeological Investigation at the Aros-Serrano Adobe, Prado Basin, by Roberta S. Greenwood, John M. Foster, and Anne Q. Duffield, pp. 79-95. Greenwood and Associates.

Griset, Suzanne
1986 –- Ceramic Artifacts. In Excavations at Indian Hill Rockshelter, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California, 1984-1984, edited by Philip J. Wilke, Meg McDonald, and L. A. Payen, pp. 80-100. Archaeological Research Unit, University of California, Riverside.

1998 — Chronology and Origins of Southern California Brownware. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Review of chronometric data and analysis of their implications concerning origins.)

2008 — Analysis of Baked Clay items from CA-RIV-6069. In CA-RIV-6069: Early Archaic Settlement and Subsistence in the San Jacinto Valley, Western Riverside County, California, Appendix E. Applied EarthWorks, Hemet, California.

Hector, Susan M.
1985 –- Excavations at SDI-4609, a Portion of the Village of Ystagua, Sorrento Valley, California. Recon, San Diego. (Rim and lip analyses.)

Hector, Susan M., and Sue A. Wade
1986 –- Excavation of a Portion of SDI-4513, the Rimbach Site, City of San Diego, California. Recon, San Diego. (Paste types and vessel forms, pp. 39-47.)

Hessel, Jamie K., George E. Miller, and G. S. Hurd
2000 — Temporal Continuity of Lake Cahuilla Ceramic Chemistry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Neutron activation analysis used to compare trace element composition of sherds from different elevations and of probable clay source.)

Hildebrand, John
2003 –- Ceramics Excavated from the Lower Colorado River Region by the North Baja Pipeline Project. In A View across the Cultural Landscape of the Lower Colorado Desert: Cultural Resource Investigations for the North Baja Pipeline Project, edited by J. H. Cleland and R. M. Apple, pp. 245-259. EDAW, San Diego. (Typed sherds in dated stratigraphic contexts that appear to contradict Waters’s chronology; on this website.)

2004 — Ceramics in Context. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Buffware at North Baja Pipeline Project sites suggest that the chronologies of Rogers and Waters should be modified; unidentified early types are also present.)

Hildebrand, John A., G. Timothy Gross, Jerry Schaefer, Sue A. Wade, and Andrew Pigniolo
1997 –- Studies of the Lithic and Ceramic Raw Material near San Diego, California. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville, Tennessee.

Huerta, Edgar
2007 — Preliminary Resuts of Laser Ablation-ICP-MS on Clay Artifacts from Ca-Ora-64: Understanding the Origins of Early Ceramic Technology in the Newport Bay Area. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Paste composition analysis of middle Holocene figurines.)

2011 — The Ceramic Artifacts from CA-ORA-64, Their Significance, and Place within the Early Ceramic Complex of Southern California and Other Adjacent Regions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Manufacturing, morphology, distribution and significance of middle Holocene ceramics.)

Jenkins, Dennis L.
1983 — The Ceramics of No Name West Basin Site 4-SBr-4454 and 4-SBr-4504 and an Updated Discussion of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ceramics at Fort Irwin. In Archaeological Studies in No Name West Basin, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California, by M. S. Kelly, and C. N. Warren, Appendix A. Fort Irwin Archaeological Project Research Report No. 19. National Park Service, San Francisco.

Laylander, Don
1991 –- Phase II and Extended Phase I Tests at Seven Prehistoric Archaeological Sites (CA-Imp-6297/6298, -6417, -6419, -6422/6423, -6425, -6427, and -6429) in the Kane Spring Area, Imperial County, California. Caltrans District 11, San Diego. (Ceramics discussed included two Southwestern sherds, pp. 60, 65-67, and a rattle fragment, pp. 108-111, 162-167.)

Lyneis, Margaret M.
1988 –- Ceramic Analysis. In The Late Holocene Archaeology of Drinkwater Basin, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California, by Mark E. Basgall, Matthew C. Hall, and William R. Hildebrandt, Appendix E. Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Davis, California.

1988 –- Ceramic Analysis. In The Archaeology of Tiefort Basin, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California, by Kelly R. McGuire and Matthew C. Hall, Appendix E. Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Davis, California.

1988 –- Ceramics from the Central Mojave Desert: Three Problems. Paper presented at the annual Kelso Conference, Nipton, California.

1989 –- Ceramics from the China Lake-Fort Irwin Jount Land Use Area, San Bernardino County, California. In Survey and Test Evaluation of the China Lake-Fort Irwin Joint Land Use Area, San Bernardino County, California, by Paul D. Bouey and Patricia J. Mikkelsen, pp. 119-137. Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Davis, California.

1990 –- Ceramics. In TSalvage Archaeology of CA-SBR-111, Fort Irwin, California: A Late Prehistoric Rockshelter in the North-Central Mojave Desert, by Matthew C. Hall and Mark E. Basgall, pp. 36-38. Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Davis, California.

Mack, Joanne
1998 — Pottery? In California? The Obscurity of California’s Indigenous Ceramic Traditions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Need for more problem-oriented research and national publication.)

McDonald, Meg, Carol Serr, and Jerry Schaefer
1993 –- Phase II Archaeological Evaluation of CA-SDI-12,809, a Late Prehistoric Habitation Site in the Otay River Valley, San Diego County, California. Brian F. Mooney Associates, San Diego. (Anaylsis of 952 ceramic items, including three brownware varieties, pp. 94-104.)

McNitt, Karen
1979 –- Ceramics of the Magma Site. In Archaeological Investigations of the Magma Site, East Mesa, by Jay von Werlhof, Sherilee von Werlhof, Karen McNitt, and Lorraine Pritchett, pp. 60-101. Imperial Valley College Museum, El Centro, California. (Pottery from eight sites, typed and analyzed by elevation.)

Miksa, Elizabeth J.
2009 –- Appendix D: Petrographic Evaluation of Ten Sherds from the Lovejoy Springs Site, CA-LAN-192, California. In The Archaeology of CA-LAN-192: Lovejoy Springs and Western Mojave Desert Prehistory, by Barry A. Price, Alan G. Gold, Barbara S. Tejada, David D. Earle, Suzanne Griset, Jay B. Lloyd, Mary Baloian, Nancy Balente, Virginia Popper, and Lisa Anderson, pp. 131-136. Applied EarthWorks, Hemet, California.

Phillips, Roxana L., and Richard L. Carrico
1986 — Archaeological Data Recovery at Five Sites within the Rancho Corte Madera/Cleveland National Forest Land Exchange. Westec Services, San Diego. (Includes decorated sherds.)

Pigniolo, Andrew
1998 — Typological Trouble: Lake Cahuilla Ceramics and Typology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Inadequacy of standard brownware and buffware typologies.)

Pritchard Parker, Mari A.
1998 — Ceramic Replicative Studies and Analyses from the East Side Reservoir Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Thin sections of sherds from 10 sites compared with ceramics replicated from local and traditional clay sources.)

Rogers, Malcolm J.
1936 — Yuman Ceramics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Flagstaff, Arizona. Ms. on file, San Diego Museum of Man.

Safi, Kristin
2007 — Luminescence Dating of Ceramic Samples from the Southern California Desert. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Optically Stimulated Luminescence used to date five sherds from Indio area.)

Schaefer, Jerry
1986 –- Late Prehistoric Adaptations during the Final Recessions of Lake Cahuilla: Fish Camps and Quarries on West Mesa, Imperial County, California. Mooney-Levine and Associates, San Diego. (Analysis of types and rim forms, pp. 38-48.)

1988 –- Lowland Patayan Adaptations to Ephemeral Alkali Pans at Superstition Mountain, West Mesa, Imperial County, California. Brian F. Mooney Associates, San Diego. (1,402 sherds from four sites analyzed by types, including discussion of rim forms, thermal color testing, clay firing experiments.)

1995 –- Ceramics. In Archaeological Ethnographic and Ethnohistoric Investigations at Tahquitz Canyon, Palm Springs, California, Chapter 9. Cultural Systems Research, Menlo Park, California.

1996 — Ceramic Analysis. In Coastal Archaeology of Las Flores Creek and Horno Canyon, Camp Pendleton, California, edited by Brian F. Byrd, pp. 197-204. ASM Affiliates, Encinitas, California.

2002 –- Scratching the Surface of Ceramics in the Colorado Desert: Petrographic and Neutron Activation Analysis of Three Lower Colorado Buff Ware Pot Drops. ASM Affiliates, Encinitas, California. (Analysis of single-vessel deposits on the Yuma Trail in the Algodones Dunes area; on this website.)

2003 — Ceramic Assemblage Analysis. In Coastal View of Prehistoric Middens: Archaeological Investigations and Paleoecological Reconstructions along Las Flores Creek, Camp Pendleton, California, edited by Brian F. Byrd, pp. 151-170. ASM Affiliates, Encinitas, California.

Schaefer, Jerry, Lowell J. Bean, and C. Michael Elling
1987 –- Settlement and Subsistence at San Sebastian: A Desert Oasis on San Felipe Creek, Imperial County, California. Brian F. Mooney Associates, San Diego. (Ceramic analysis discussing problems in typology and eight types including a new Tizon brown variant termed Q and M brown, pp. 134-144.)

Schaefer, Jerry, and James Daniels
2010 –- The Application of Ceramic Petrography and XRF Sourcing to the Interpretation of Prehistoric Aboriginal Pottery and Clay Sources in the Southern Mojave Desert, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California. ASM Affiliates, Carlsbad, California. (Test tile firing for clay sources, ceramic typing of sherds from 23 sites, petrographic thin section analysis, and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy; digital copies may be available from Marie Cottrell at

Schaefer, Jerry, and Drew Pallette
1993 –- Archaeological Investigations of Two Lake Cahuilla Sites in the Toro Canyon Area, Riverside County, California. Brian F. Mooney Associates, San Diego. (739 sherds analyzed into four types, including new Toro buff.)

Shackley, Michael Steven
1984 –- Archaeological Investigations in the Western Colorado Desert: A Socioecological Approach. Wirth Environmental Services, San Diego. (Discussion of 880 sherds from seven sites, classified to Waters’s Patayan I, II, and III types, pp. 116-123.)

Thomson, Heather
2006 — Ceramic Vessel Scatters in the Aftermath of the Cedar Fire in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park: Their Distribution in Relation to Prominent Landforms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for California Archaeology. (Forty-six scatters on steep slopes with panoramic views of habitation sites and travel corridors.)

Townsend, Janet E.
1985 –- Chemical Fingerprinting of Clays and Pottery: Sherds from Western Imperial Valley, California. (X-ray fluorescence analysis of sherds and clay sources; on this website.)

1986 –- Ceramic Scatters. In The Archaeology of Picacho Basin, Southeast California, by Lorann Pendleton, pp. 193-200. Wirth Environmental Services, San Diego. (Sherds from 25 sites analyzed by buffware types, geographical and cultural associations.)

1986 –- Prehistoric Lifeways in the Jacumba Valley. Wirth Environmental Services, San Diego. (Discussion of clay sources and ceramic types, pp. 93-111.)

Wade, Sue E.
1986 — Tizon Brown Ware Analysis. In Broken Fragments of Past Lifeways: Archaeological Excavations at Los Peñasquitos Ranch House Resource Area, San Diego, by by Susan M. Hector and Stephen R. Van Wormer, Appendix D. County of San Diego Parks and Recreation Department, San Diego.

1991 — Aboriginal Ceramics Analysis. In Extended Phase I Investigations at CA-SDi-5422, City of Oceanside, California, by Martin D. Rosen and Judith D. Tordoff, pp. 127-149. Caltrans District 11, San Diego. (3,435 sherds analyzed.)

1999 — Analysis of Ceramics from SDI-10,156 A and B: Topomai. In Archaeological Investigations at SDI-10,156. U.S. Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, California.

2000 — Analysis of Ceramics from RIV-3005, 3008, and 5876, La Quinta, California. RMW Paleo Associates, Mission Viejo, California.

2003 — Analysis of Ceramics from RIV-6052, 6053, 6054, 6055, and 6056, Indio, California. Archaeological Resource management Corporation, Rancho Palos Verdes, California.

2004 — Native American Artifacts. In An Isolated Frontier Outpost: Historical and Archaeological Investigations of the Carrizo Creek Stage Station, by Stephen R. Van Wormer, Sue A. Wade, Susan D. Walter, and Susan Arter. California State Parks, Colorado Desert District Archaeological Research Center, Borrego Springs, California.

Waters, Michael R.
1985 — Ceramic Analysis: Sites CA-IMP-3675, CA-IMP-3676, CA-IMP-3678, and CA-IMP-5101. In Report of Archaeological Test Excavations at Five Sites Located along Highway 86 in Imperial County, California, by Martin D. Rosen, pp. 183-188. Caltrans District 11, San Diego. (Classification of sherds as Tizon Brown Ware and Lower Colorado Buff Ware types.)