
Discoidals are artificially shaped rocks, round in plan view and generally with flat or slightly convex faces. They resemble unusually round, finely shaped manos, but at least some specimens lack the normal patterns of use wear found on manos. Rarely, specimens have been perforated by biconically drilled holes. Various chronological and functional interpretations have been suggested for the artifacts.

As a type, discoidals have been recognized intuitively rather than formally defined. The category seems to grade into that of circular manos, and their classification has probably not been consistent. Reported distributions of discoidals in space and time may have been significantly biased by this factor.

Subtypes of discoidals have been proposed on the basis of various attributes, including (1) the convexity, flatness, concavity, or perforation of their faces; (2) the presence or absence of bevelling on the margins of their faces; (3) the convex or flat profile of their sides; (4) overall size; and (5) the ratio of thickness to diameter (Moriarty and Broms 1971). Interpretable patterning in the occurrence of these attributes has not yet been suggested. Most San Diego County specimens seem to belong to the “common” subtype, with the ratio of thickness to diameter averaging about 1:2 and with perforation being relatively uncommon.

Chronologically, it has been suggested that discoidals pertain at least primarily to the middle Holocene period. D. L. True (1958, 1980) believed that discoidals in the northern interior portion of San Diego County belonged to the Pauma complex rather than the subsequent San Luis Rey complex. James R. Moriarty, III, (1966:22) suggested that discoidals were introduced during the La Jolla II phase (3500 to 2000 B.C.). Moriarty and Robert S. D. Broms (1971) cited seven San Diego County radiocarbon dates as apparently indicating that discoidal use had spanned the period between about 4400 B.C. and A.D. 1600.

Spatially, discoidals have been reported from various parts of the region, although there seems to be a greater proportion of such reports from the northern portion of the county.

The function of discoidals has not been convincingly demonstrated. Their fine finishing has been cited as evidence against any strictly utilitarian function, as has a general absence of obvious use wear, although the recycling of broken specimens for utilitarian purposed has been observed (Moriarty and Broms 1971:26). On the basis of ethnographic evidence from various portions of North America, Moriarty and Broms (1971) argued at length that discoidals were gaming pieces. Alika K. Herring (1968), in a study of an Orange County site, suggested that discoidals might be unfinished cogged stones — artifacts that are similar to discoidals, but with series of deep grooves or indentations parallel to their axes around their perimeters. Cogged stones and discoidals often occur together in Orange County, but cogged stones are much rarer in San Diego County, which seems to rule out the possibility that the local discoidals were cogged stone preforms.


Future archaeological research may be able to clarify the functions and chronology of discoidals in the region. Relevant evidence may include the artifacts’ dimensions, their shapes, macroscopic and microscopic evidence of use wear or other post-manufacturing modification, as well as the ecological, chronological, functional, and social contexts in which they are found. Replicative experiments may be able to quantify the costs involved in their production and possible uses to which they may have been put.

Site General Location Period Rock Type Diam-
SDI-194 Rancho Santa Fe Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-213B Batiquitos Lagoon Archaic volcanic 12.4 3.5 yes Crabtree et al. 1963
SDI-262 Valley Center Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-262 Valley Center Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-267 Pauma Valley Archaic no True 1958, 1980
SDI-321 Escondido/
San Marcos
Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-321 Escondido/
San Marcos
Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-505 Pauma Valley Archaic granitic 11.0 3.7 no True 1958, 1980
SDI-505 Pauma Valley Archaic yes True 1980
SDI-525 La Jolla Archaic quartzite 9.4 5.4 no Shumway et al. 1961
SDI-525 La Jolla Archaic granitic 7.4 2.3 no Shumway et al. 1961
SDI-525 La Jolla Archaic granitic 8.1 4.5 no Shumway et al. 1961
SDI-560 San Marcos Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-575 Rancho Bernardo Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-575 Rancho Bernardo Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-603 Batiquitos Lagoon Archaic, Late 7.6 3.4 no Crabtree et al. 1963
SDI-682 Pala Late, Archaic granitic 8.7 4.3 no True et al. 1991
SDI-682 Pala Late, Archaic granitic 9.8 4.1 no True et al. 1991
SDI-682 Pala Late, Archaic granitic 10.0 5.8 True et al. 1991
SDI-716 Pala Archaic no True 1980
SDI-719 Pala Archaic yes True 1980
SDI-747 Valley Center Archaic Warren et al. 1961
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 21.3 7.0 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic volcanic 22.0 8.0 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 20.2 6.5 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 16.0 7.2 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 9.8 5.5 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 12.8 6.5 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 13.5 6.0 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 14.0 6.0 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 15.5 5.5 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic quartzite 10.3 6.2 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 10.8 5.5 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 12.5 7.0 no Sutton 1978
SDI-4575 San Elijo Lagoon Archaic granitic 9.5 4.0 no Sutton 1978
SDI-12,155 Bonsall Archaic, Late granitic 9.6 4.7 no Rosen 1991
SDM-W-1556 San Marcos Late, Archaic granitic 12.2 4.8 no O’Neil 1982
Rincon 100 Pauma Valley Archaic volcanic yes True 1980
La Jolla 12.0 7.2 no Moriarty and Broms 1971
La Jolla 12.0 6.8 no Moriarty and Broms 1971
La Jolla 12.0 6.5 no Moriarty and Broms 1971
La Jolla 9.7 5.9 no Moriarty and Broms 1971
La Jolla 8.9 5.7 no Moriarty and Broms 1971
La Jolla 6.9 2.9 no Moriarty and Broms 1971
La Jolla 6.2 2.9 no Moriarty and Broms 1971