Native Place Names
Aboriginal names for locations in Baja California are listed by the linguistic territory within which they lie. When the name comes from a different language, it is also listed under that group. Data include, as available, (a) translations of the place names, (b) equivalent historical place names, (c) the types of geographical features involved, and (d) published references to the names. Names recognized as originating within the historic period have been excluded. Not all of the places are shown on the maps.
(Spelling of native words has generally followed the orthographies used in the sources, even though those are inconsistent among themselves. Because of the limitations of the Worldwide Web’s HTML format, the spellings used here have had to be simplified, and they may not accurately reflect the original records. Linguists and others concerned with precise phonology should refer to the original sources.)
Pericú Place Names
Anicá. Ranchería. Burrus 1984:154 (Tamaral); Massey 1949:278, 282; Taraval 1931:207, 1996:139, etc. Añuití - San José del Cabo. León-Portilla 1977:9 (Rodríguez Lorenzo). Caduaño, Caduño, Gaduaño, Cadueño ("green arroyo"). Massey 1949:278, 282. Calluco, Galluco. Massey 1949:278, 282. Cunimniici. Mountains. Venegas 1942-1943(1):89. Eguí. Taraval 1931:58, 1996:64. Marinó - Santa Ana Mountains. León-Portilla 1977:10 (Rodríguez Lorenzo). Purum, Puurum. Mountains, ranchería. Barco 1973:332; Massey 1949:278; Taraval 1931:208, 1996:139. Yeneca, Leneca. Ranchería. Clavijero 1937:284, 1970:175; Massey 1949:278, 282; Taraval 1931:244, 1996:271, etc.; Venegas 1942-1943(2):279. Yenecamú - Cabo San Lucas. León-Portilla 1977:9 (Rodríguez Lorenzo). OTHER GROUPS' NAMES FOR PLACES IN PERICU TERRITORYAirapí - La Paz. Probably a Guaycura name. León-Portilla 1977:11 (Rodríguez Lorenzo). |
Guaycura Place Names
(Revised 02/17/05)Aburebe. On Bahía Magdalena. Burrus 1967a:162 (Hostell).
Acheme. West of Dolores. Burrus 1967a:161 (Hostell).
Achére. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Acui - San Felix. Small spring. Guillén 1979:65; Massey 1949:286-287.
Acuré - Santa Daría. Guillén 1979:64; León-Portilla 1970:88 (Guillén); Massey 1949:284, 286-287.
Adagué - San Joseph. Guillén 1945:60-61, 1979:43-45; Massey 1949:286-287.
Aenatá - Jesús María. Guillén 1945:68, 1979:59, 87; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Akiá. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Añubeve. Ranchería. Burrus 1967a:162 (Hostell).
Aniritugué, Anirituhué, Arirituhue - La Encarnación. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:57-59, 1979:38, 40, 42, 85-86; León-Portilla 1970:109-110 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Anyaichirí - Santo Tomás. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:54, 69, 1979:33, 59, 88; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Apaté - first site of Dolores mission. Burrus 1967a:160-161 (Hostell); Clavijero 1937:255, 1970:155; León-Portilla 1970:88-89 (Guillén), 1977:12 (Rodríguez Lorenzo); Guillén 1979:64-65; Massey 1949:284, 286-287; Venegas 1942-1943(1):38, (2):237.
Arecú - San Chrysogono. Guillén 1979:67; León-Portilla 1970:92 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Aripaquí - San Carlos. Guillén 1979:64, 66, 71; León-Portilla 1970:88 90, 95 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Aripité, Aripita, Aripitae. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:84-85, 88; León-Portilla 1970:108-109, 111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Arudovichi. Ramos 1958b:6, 9 (Piccolo).
Aruí, Aruy, Azúi - San Benito. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:62-62, 65-66, 1979:47-50, 53, 55; Massey 1949:286-287; Venegas 1942-1943(2):218.
Asembavichí, Atembavichi, Tembabich, Tembobiche - San Gregorio. Guillén 1979:64; León-Portilla 1970:89 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Atiá. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Atiguíri. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Caembehué - Santa Cecilia. Guillén 1979:67-67; León-Portilla 1970:91-92 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Cahué, Cuhue - Santa Isabel. Guillén 1979:65; León-Portilla 1970:89 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Candapán. Guillén 1945:69, 1979:59, 88; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Chillá, Chiá, Chiyá - La Pasión, second site of Dolores mission (cf. Tañuetía). Ranchería, arroyo, mountains. Burrus 1984:100 (Guillén); Guillén 1979:81-82; León-Portilla 1970:105-106(Guillén), 1977:12, 17 (Rodríguez Lorenzo); Massey 1949:287; Taraval 1931:138, 1996:103.
Chirigaquí, Chirigaguí, Chiriyaki - San Luis Gonzaga. Ranchería. Burrus 1967a:159, 163; Guillén 1945:56-59, 67, 1979:37-42, 56, 86; León-Portilla 1970:110 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Cocloraki. Arroyo. Burrus 1967a:161 (Hostell).
Codaraquí, Codaraguí, Kodaraguí - San Cosme. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:56, 59, 67, 1979:37, 41-42, 56, 87; León-Portilla 1970:110 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Cogué. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Cuatiquié, Cuatique, Quatiquie - San Juan de Dios. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:54, 1979:33, 87; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Cuedené, Cuedemé, Cudené - San Gabriel. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:59-61, 66-67, 1979:43-45, 56, 83, 85-86; León-Portilla 1970:106, 109-110 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Cuenyagueg. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Cunupaquí, Cuhupaqui. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:54, 1979:32-33; Massey 1949:285-286.
Cutoigué, Cutoihuí, Cutoihue, Cutoibo, Cutoide, Codou - San Borja. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:56, 67, 1979:36, 56, 87; León-Portilla 1970:1970:110 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Devá, Deverá - Presentación. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:66-67, 71; León-Portilla 1970:90-91, 95 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Guachaguí. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Ichudairí, Schudáiri - San Eugenio. Guillén 1979:66; León-Portilla 1970:91 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Michiricuchayére. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Michiricucurébe. Arraj 2002 (Guillén).
Niumquí, Niunqui - San José. Ranchería on the Gulf coast. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Piccolo 1967:58.
Onduchah, Onduchay. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:88; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286.
Pacudaraquihué - San Marcelo. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:81-82, 84; León-Portilla 1970:104, 106-107 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Quaquihué, Quaquiguí - San Martín, San Juan. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:66-67; León-Portilla 1970:91 (Guillén), 1977:12 (Rodríguez Lorenzo); Massey 1949:286-287.
Quepoh, Quepo - Santiago. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:34-35, 58-59, 87; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Querequaná, Guerequaná - San Clemente. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:55, 56, 67-68, 1979:34-35, 56-58, 87; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Quiairá, Quiairi, Quiainá, Quiapá - San Gregorio. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:55, 68, 1979:34-35, 59; Massey 1949:285-286.
Remeraquí, Pemeraquí - Jesús. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:82-83, 88; León-Portilla 1970:105-106, 111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286-287.
Tacanopá, Tacanoparé - Santa María. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:61, 63, 66, 1979:45, 49, 55; Massey 1949:287.
Tañuetía, Tagnuetía ("place of ducks") - second site of mission Dolores. Barco 1973:254; Clavijero 1937:255, 1970:155; Massey 1949:285-287; Venegas 1942-1943(2):238.
Tiguaná, Tiguana, Figuaná - San Andrés. Guillén 1945:56, 67, 1979:35-36, 56, 87; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:285-286.
Tipateiguá - Santa Isabel. Guillén 1945:62-63, 1979:47-48, 50, 53, 55; Massey 1949:286-287.
Tiquenendegá, Fiquenendegá, Tiquerendaga, Tiguenendega - San Vicente. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:68, 1979:58, 87; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:286.
Titapue - San Lucas. Near Bahía Magdalena. Burrus 1967a:161 (Hostell).
Udaré - Santa Cruz. Guillén 1945:54, 69, 1979:32-33, 59, 88; León-Portilla 1970:111 (Guillén); Massey 1949:284-286.
Unubbé. Ranchería on Gulf coast. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Piccolo 1967:58.
Uriguai, Uruguai. Ranchería. Taraval 1931:159, 1996:114; Massey 1949:286-287.
GUAYCURA NAMES FOR PLACES OUTSIDE OF GUAYCURA TERRITORYAirapí - La Paz. In Pericú territory. León-Portilla 1977:11 (Rodríguez Lorenzo).
Monqui Place Names
Catechiguajá. Guillén 1979:63; León-Portilla 1970:87 (Guillén). Chuenqué, Chuyenquí, Chuenquí. Ranchería. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Guillén 1945:54, 1979:32; Martínez 1960:145; Massey 1949:290-291; Piccolo 1967:58. Conchó, Cumcho - Loreto. Aschmann 1966:30; Barco 1981:18; León-Portilla 1977:13 (Rodríguez Lorenzo); Massey 1949:290-291; Piccolo 1967:56, 57; Venegas 1942-1943(2):38. Jettí, Getti, Yettí, Yeti. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 293; Piccolo 1967:58. Ligiggé, Ligiggí. North of Conchó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:293; Piccolo 1967:58. Ligüí, Liguig, Liguí, Ligguí - San Juan Baptista. Ranchería. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Clavijero 1937:200, 1970:120; León-Portilla 1977:13 (Rodríguez Lorenzo); Massey 1949:290; Piccolo 1967:58; Venegas 1942-1942(1):39, (2):89, 122, etc. Loppú. Massey 1949:290; Piccolo 1967:58. Nautrig, Notrí, Nantrig. Ranchería. Guillén 1945:54, 1979:32; Massey 1949:291. Numpoló, Nunpoló. Ranchería. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:290-291; Piccolo 1967:58. Pucá. Ranchería. Guillén 1979:63; León-Portilla 1970:87 (Guillén). Tepaquí. Ranchería. Massey 1949:293. Tripué, Trepu. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:290-291; Piccolo 1967:58. Tuyddú, Tiuddu, Tuidu, Tuesddú. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 293; Piccolo 1967:58. Uhonci, Vhonci. Ranchería. Martínez 1960:145; Massey 1949:291. Uhuahu, Bahuh. Spring. Martínez 1960:143; Massey 1949:291, 293; Salvatierra 1971:174. MONQUI NAMES FOR PLACES OUTSIDE OF MONQUI TERRITORYLondó - San Juan, San Isidro. In Cochimí territory; cf. Cathemeneol. Barco 1973:254; Clavijero 1937:171, 1970:101; Martínez 1960:143; Piccolo 1967:56; Salvatierra 1971:165-168; Venegas 1942-1943(2):39-40, 90, etc. OTHER GROUPS' NAMES FOR PLACES IN MONQUI TERRITORYMalibat, Malabat, Malebat - San Juan Bautista (cf. Monqui Ligüí). Cochimí name. Clavijero 1937:200, 1970:120; Guillén 1979:32; Venegas 1942-1943(1):38, (2):89, 122, etc. |
Cochimí Place Names
Afeguá, Aseguá ("island of the birds") - Isla Navidad. Venegas 1942-1943(2):274-275; Clavijero 1937:280, 1970:173; Massey 1949:292, 299. Aggavaccaamáns, Agga va caamánc ("arroyo of hawks"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Ahiacahual, Ahiacahel. Plains. Salvatierra 1946:212 (Tamaral). Ajavaiamin, Ajavaimin. Arroyo. Massey 1949:292, 301; Ortega 1944:399 (Consag). Amaníiní, Amaniiní ("agave area"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Amet-Acangdang. Ranchería. Barco 1973:308. Ametzil-ha-caamanc ("mouth of sandy arroyo"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Amuña. Burrus 1964:79 (Kino); Venegas 1942-1943(2):147. Anawa. Ranchería on Pacific coast. Massey 1949:292, 299; Venegas 1942-1943(2):273.
Angum. Arroyo. Massey 1949:292, 301; Ortega 1944:400 (Consag). Avolabac, Avolaboc. Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Biaundó, Viaundó - San Javier. Ranchería. Cf. Viggé. Clavijero 1937:171, 1970:101; Massey 1949:291, 297; Palóu 1926(1):180; Piccolo 1967:56, 58; Ramos 1958b:3; Salvatierra 1971:160; Venegas 1942-1943:39, 76. Bunmedejol. Massey 1949:296. Caamáncijup ("narrows of arroyo"). Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Cabujakaamang, Cabuja-camang ("arroyo of crags") - second Santa María mission site. Barco 1973:351; Clavijero 1937:364, 1970:228; Massey 1949:292, 300-301. Caddehí ("head of the carrizo"). Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Cadecafuet, Cadecajuot - San Felipe. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Cadegomó, Cadigomo ("arroyo of the carrizos") - La Purísima Concepción. Barco 1973:260, 384; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral); Clavijero 1937:226, 234, 1970:136, 141; León-Portilla 1977:17; Massey 1949:291, 294, 297-298; Venegas 1942-1943(2):146, 200. Cademijit-nipá, Cadecuijtnipa ("on the badland mesas"). Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Cademino. Venegas 1942-1943(2):200. Cadeúdebet, Cadeudobet ("end of the carrizos"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Cagnujuet. Clavijero 1937:364, 1970:227; Massey 1949:301. Caguirama, Kagueragama. Burrus 1984:88 (Piccolo); Piccolo 1962:337. Cahelca ("deep well"). Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Cahelembil ("junction of waters"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213-214 (Tamaral). Cahelijyú, Cahelixyú, Cahelejyu, Caheleju ("brackish water"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:212, 214 (Tamaral). Cahelulevit ("running water"). Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Cajalchimín, Casalchimin, Sacalchimen - San Isidro. Guillén 1979:59; Massey 1949:296-297. Cajalloguoc, Cajal:loguoc, Casal:loguóc - Santa Rosa. Guillén 1979:60; Massey 1949:291, 297. Calamajue, Calanujuet, Calagnujuet, Calañujuet, Calamyget, Calamofué - Santa María. Ranchería. Barco 1973:338, 349; Burrus 1966:86 (Hostell); Clavijero 1937:357, 1970:222; Crespí 2001:174-176; Massey 1949:292, 300. Camanc-ca-caamanc, Camanó ca caamanó ("arroyo of the big cactus"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Camanc-nac-cooya ("round cactus patch"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Canitcacahel, Cunitcahel ("water of the big crags"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Carmaañe Galejá - Santa Rosalía de Mulegé. Salvatierra 1946:212 (Tamaral). Cathemeneol, Cathemencol - San Juan, San Isidro. Cf. Monqui's Londó. Martínez 1960:143; Massey 1949:289. Codemino. Clavijero 1937:234, 1970:141. Comondú - San José. Barco 1973:255, 259, 385; Clavijero 1937:216, 1970:130; Massey 1949:291-292; Venegas 1942-1943(1):39, (2):136, etc. Cuivucó, Cuibuco - Santa Rosalía. West of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Cupemeyení. Massey 1949:296. Diuttó, Diutro. West of Londó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291; Piccolo 1967:58. Diwonohí. Ramos 1958b:5. Ebocoó. Ranchería. Massey 1949:297. Eguiana-cahel, Eguianna cahel, Egusanna cahel ("water hole of the brush"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Emetgale aja cang, Emetgale axá cang ("big posts of the white land"). Ranchería. Cf. Paya. Massey 1949:298; Salvatierra 1946:213-214 (Tamaral). Enulayló, Enulailo. South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Gabacamaní-iní, Gabacamaniní. Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Gamacaamanc ("palm slope"). Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Gama-caamancxa ("mouth of the palm arroyo"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Hiakael. Piccolo 1962:336. Hualimea, Waliméa - Santísima Trinidad. Ranchería on the Pacific coast. Clavijero 1937:269, 1970:165; Massey 1949:292, 299; Venegas 1942-1943(2):256-257, 273. Huamalguá, Amalguá, Vamalgua, Guamalgua ("foggy island") - Cedros island. Barco 191973:5, 409-410; Clavijero 1937:20, 281-282, 1970:11, 173; Massey 1949:292, 299; Ortega 1944:415 (Consag); Venegas 1942-1943(2):274-276. Huasinapi, Guasinapi, Guezenope - Guadalupe. Burrus 1984:84 (Piccolo); Clavijero 1937:241, 1970:146; Massey 1949:291, 300; Piccolo 1962:337; Venegas 1942-1943(2):209. Idelabuú ("mesas of the mountains"). Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Idelcagomo ("arroyo de big mountains"). Massey 1949:298; Salvatierra 1946:212-213 (Tamaral). Idelibinagá ("high mountains"). Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Jacuencacahel. Massey 1949:297; Salvatierra 1946:212 (Tamaral). Juaxadembil. Burrus 1984:79 (Piccolo). Kadakaamang, Cada-kaaman, Kadá kaamán ("arroyo of the carrizos") - San Ignacio. Burrus 1984:114 (Sistiaga); Clavijero 1937:24, 226, 1970:13, 136; Massey 1949:291-292, 297; Venegas 1942-1943(2)147, 247. Kadazyiac. Massey 1949:292, 301; Ortega 1944:402 (Consag). Kaelgama. Piccolo 1962:337. Kaelmet, Cahelmet ("water and land"). Ranchería and river. Burrus 1984:84-85 (Piccolo); Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Kaiavañgua, Kiavangua. Massey 1949:292, 301; Ortega 1944:392, 409 (Consag). Kalelopu, Kahelopu. Piccolo 1962:335, 341. Kalmayí, Calmallí, Kalmaye. Ranchería. Massey 1949:292, 301; Ortega 1944:389 (Consag). Kalvalaga, Kalavalaga. Massey 1949:292, 301; Ortega 1944:408 (Consag). Kamaipa. Ortega 1944:409 (Consag). Kañayiakamán, Kanayikamán. Arroyo. Massey 1949:292, 301; Ortega 1944:391, 394, 414 (Consag). Kanin. Burrus 1966:46 (Hostell); Massey 1949:292, 301. Kataviña, Cataviñá, Catabiñá. Barco 1973:128, 350; Burrus 1966:85 (Hostell); Massey 1949:292, 301. Keda. Burrus 1966:46 (Hostell); Massey 1949:292, 301. Keita. Burrus 1966:54 (Hostell). Laboakal. Ranchería. Ortega 1944:417 (Consag). Lichú ("man's mountain"). South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Medakal. Spring. Ortega 1944:415 (Consag). Mogocuolocó. Massey 1949:297. Mulegé, Mulexé, Mulegge, Molexe - Santa Rosalía. River. Clavijero 1937:25, 207, 1970:14, 125; León-Portilla 1977:13; Massey 1949:291-292, 299; Venegas 1942-1943(1):39, 44, (2):89-90, etc. Nabademil. Ranchería. Burrus 1984:81 (Piccolo). Nebeoyal, Nebocojol. Ranchería. Salvatierra 1971:167. Nunteí, Nuntís. North of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Obbé. North of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Ohobbé - Santa Rosalía. Ramos 1958b:4, 9. Omobichimincajal, Omobichimicajal, Omobichimicasal - San León. Guillén 1979:60; Massey 1949:291, 297. Onemaitó, Onemayro. South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Ontta, Onnta. South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Paviyé. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Paya, Payo. Ranchería. Cf. Emetgale ajá cang. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213-214 (Tamaral). Piagadne, Piagadme. Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Picaamanc, Piacaamanc. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Picolopri. South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Ramos 1958b:6. Quimiaumá - Angel de la Guarda. South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Tahuagabacahel ("water hole of dry pitahaya"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Tamomquí, Tomonqui, Tamonquí. West of Londó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291; Piccolo 1967:58. Temedégua ("worthy people"). Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Temmamada. Ranchería. Burrus 1984:83, 85 (Piccolo). Teupnon - San Bruno. On the Gulf coast. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Piccolo 1967:58. Unduá. South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189; Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Unubbe. On the Gulf coast. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero). Vabacahel, Vaba ("water of the ranchería"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Vacazil, Uacazil ("sandy cave"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 298; Salvatierra 1946:213 (Tamaral). Vajacahel, Vazacahel, Vaxacahel ("water of the mesquite"). Ranchería. Massey 1949:291, 299; Salvatierra 1946:214 (Tamaral). Vajademín. Ranchería, mountains. Salvatierra 1946:213; Clavijero 1937:234, 1970:141; Massey 1949:291, 298; Venegas 1942-1943(2):146, 200. Velicatá, Vellikatá, Vellicatá, Güiricatá, Huiricatá, Güirí-Catá, Villa-Catá, Villacata; Obilicatâ, Vellikätac - San Fernando. Barco 1973:340; Burrus 1966:56 (Hostell); Clavijero 1937:360, 1970:225; Crespí 2001:180, 184; Massey 1949:292, 300. Viggé ("land high above the valley") - San Javier. Mountains. Cf. Biaundó. Clavijero 1937:171, 1970:101; Palóu 1926(1):180; Salvatierra 1971:155, 160-162; Venegas 1942-1943(2):39-40, 76-77, etc. Vimbet - San José. Burrus 1966:45 (Hostell); Massey 1949:292, 301. Viñadaco, Viñatacot, Viñaraco - El Rosario. Massey 1949:292, 301. Yenuyomú, Yenuomu, Yenuyomo, Yemuomu. South of Biaundó. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Massey 1949:291, 297; Piccolo 1967:58. Yodiviggé, Yodivineggé, Yodivinege - Nuestra Señora de los Dolores. Burrus 1984:189 (Rodero); Piccolo 1967:58-59. Yubay, Yubai, Jubac, Jubai, Juzai, Yuvai. Mountain. Barco 1973:346; Burrus 1966:46 (Hostell); Clavijero 1937:361, 1970:225; Crespí 2001:174; Massey 1949:292, 301.
Ja-íl. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Jankíl. Canyon on east slope. Cf. Jankílawa in Kiliwa territory. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Japlujá. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Japiñá. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Já'sá. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Jasujáp. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Jwaknpai. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Kaysiñáo. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Kunaypijí. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Londó - San Juan, San Isidro. Monqui name. Cf. Cochimí's Cathemeneol. Barco 1973:254; Clavijero 1937:171; Martínez 1960:143; Piccolo 1967:56; Salvatierra 1971:165-168; Venegas 1942-1943(2):39-40, 90, etc. Metwaywálo. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Temú. Canyon on east slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Tikai šašau - San Telmo. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:70. |
Kiliwa Place Names
Amat-nokjánpish'an. Mountain. Meigs 1939:19. Amú wey, Amúwa', 'Muwwiiy ("mountain sheep mountain") - Cerro Borrego. Meigs 1939:13, 67, 70; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:91. Casilepe - first site of Mission San Pedro Mártir de Verona. Foster 1992; Meigs 1935:31. Chipa'ja, Cpaa'xa', Cpaaxa' ("agave stalk water") - Los Tanques. Spring near Cerro del Chucho Prieto. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:20, 194. Chipa' wey, Cpaa'wiiy ("agave stalk mountain") - Chucho Prieto. Near Valle Trinidad. Meigs 1939:4; Meigs 1977:17; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:20. Chiwuilo nimí tai ("arroyo of the big cat") - Arroyo León. Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Chuwíluetai, Chúwilutai, Cwilutay ("large arroyo") - Arroyo Grande. Meigs 1939:4, 13, 19, 68;Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:21. Colwey, Kuul'wiiy. Mountain near La Parra. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:51. Cuap wey, 'Khwapwiiy ("scrub oak mountain"). Meigs 1939:4, 13; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:44. Cuchíwa', Cuchí. Arroyo Esperanza. Meigs 1939:4, 68. Cwilup'ayuhnyupuu' ("chamizo canyon where they fought"). Mixco 1985a:127.
'Haayitnymaru' ("where the mesquite shows"). Near El Rodeo. Mixco 1985a:73, 219. 'Hipcapnyha'pal ("sprouting tobacco tongues"). Mixco 1985a:34. Htim - Rancho Valladares. On San Pedro Mártir Plateau near San José de los Meling ranch. Mixco 1985a:163. Hwanuk. Ranchería in northern Sierra San Pedro Mártir. North 1908:241. Iñóm - Gulf of California. Meigs 1939:13, 72. Isicha'a, 'Iysi'c'aa ("slashed head"). Small mountain in Arroyo León. Meigs 1939:4, 12-13; Mixco 1985a:23, 146. Isicha'a cumudit nijamán ("little brother of Isicha'a"). Mountain. Meigs 1939:4, 13. 'Iy si' c'aa kwuwtt. Mixco 1983:1. 'Iy si' c'aa nyxmaan. Mixco 1983:1. Ja-íl. Arroyo. Meigs 1939:19. Jalimái. Hill. Meigs 1939:70. Janielja', X'nyiilxa' ("black water") - Los Albérchigos. Spring near Arroyo León. Meigs 1939:1, 4, 13, 54, 58; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:105, 206. Janiel wey, X'nyiil wiiy ("black mountain"). Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. Ja'nimsú. Canyon on east side of sierra. Meigs 1939:68. Jankílawa', Jankilawa', Jankíl, Xinkilwa' ("sprouting grass house") - Cáñon de las Abejas. Meigs 1939:4, 13, 19, 68; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:195. Jaochúwílu - San Ramón. Meigs 1939:70. Japí. Meigs 1939:68. Jawá', X'wa' ("sycamore"). In Arroyo Esperanza. Meigs 1939:68; Mixco 1985a:209. Jaweyspa, 'Xwiiyspa' ("tules sprout") - La Parra. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:151, 211. Její chuwílu, Xhi'cwilu - Arroyo San Matías . Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. Jejíja, X'ha'xa', Xi'hi'xa', Xhi' xa' - San Matías Spring. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:196, 204. Jeljumkwiñep, Jeljumcuiñep, Xl'xuwkwnyiiyp, X'lxuwkwnyiiyp, Xl'xiwm kwnyiiyp - Cerro Fajado. Meigs 1939:4, 72; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:197, 204. Jewíluja' wey, Xwilwha'wiiy, Xiwiluha'wiiy - Cerro de la Puerta. Near San Matías Pass at the southeast end of Valle Trinidad. Meigs 1939:4, 72; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:183, 196. Káychág. Canyon on the eastern slope. Meigs 1939:68. Kay kesiáy, Qhaaykws'yaay ("gray cliff") - Cerro Canoso. Near Arroyo León. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:129, 215. Kay sipukwín, 'Qhaayspkwin ("twisted cliff"). Mountain in Sierra Salvatierra. Meigs 1939:4, 6, 13, 19, 52, 68; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:129. Kelmíutesá, Klmiyutsa' ("bee's stinger"). Mountain. Meigs 1939:4, 19; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:48. Kojáy. Canyon on east side of sierra. Meigs 1939:68. Konúko. West of Arroyo León. Meigs 1939:70. Kumwálo-wakusepól. Northern end of Sierra San Pedro Mártir. Meigs 1939:26. Kuñám - Pacific Ocean. Meigs 1939:13, 70, 72. Kw'aayhaqmkapu' ("holes in the field of grass") - Rancho Coyote. On San Pedro Mártir plateau near San José de los Meling. Mixco 1985a:43, 62. Kwal'wiiy ("red mountain") - Sierra Salvatierra. Mixco 1985a:53. Kwátajá. Meigs 1939:19. Kwat wey. Mountain. Meigs 1939:4, 8. Kwatwtar ("slant hill") - Cerro del Cuatro. Mixco 1985a:159. Kwilmesí wey, Kw'ilmsi''wiiy ("white oak mountain"). Near San Matías. Meigs 1939:4, 73; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:62. Kw'ilmsi'qhaay ("white oak cliff"). Mixco 1985a:62, 88, 129. Kwipi ("dead thing") - Rancho El Tepí. Mixco 1985a:120. Kwi-uja, Kwi(a)ja' ("salt water") - Poza Salada. Hohenthal 2001:17; Meigs 1939:13. Kwi-yu, Kw'iyyuwu' ("salt bed") - San Quintín. Hohenthal 2001:18; Meigs 1939:28; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:62. Kw'iywa'xa' ("salt house spring"). Near Cerro Borrego in San Felipe Desert. Mixco 1985a:62. Kw'iyyaqu' ("salt bed"). In San Felipe Desert near Cerro Chinero. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:62. Kwkwaalp - Arroyo Chamicito. Mixco 1985a:53. Kwskwiirwa' - Arroyo Santo Domingo. Mixco 1985a:59. Kwtuulkhwapu' ("where the lizard went in") - Arroyo del Güico. Near Rancho Buena Vista on the road off the San Pedro Mártir Plateau. Mixco 1985a:166. Kw'wiymnyxa' - Burro Spring. In Arroyo León region. Mixco 1985a:188. Kwyulmxa', Kwu'yulmxa' ("thrust-in water") - Paisano Spring. In the San Felipe Desert. Mixco 1985a:194, 219. Kw'yulwiiy ("thrust-in mountain"). Mixco 1985a:183, 219. Lqhawxa' ("canyon spring"). Mixco 1985a:66. Maatphaatayu' - Colonia Guerrero. Mixco 1985a:127. 'Ma'hpaayp ("leaning yucca") - Los Tanques. Mixco 1985a:78. 'Ma'kwpxyalp ("yucca ramada") - Santo Domingo. Mixco 1985a:78, 207. 'Ma'suwan. Mixco 1985a:78. 'Mathchipu', 'Mathchipu' ("broom place") - Rancho las Escobas. Near San Quintín. Mixco 1985a:13, 311. Matiropa - San Rafael. Crespí 2001:212. 'Mat'iypuq ("earth spine") - Sierra San Pedro Mártir. Mixco 1985a:233. Mát-juiú. Valley. Meigs 1939:12. Matkwmcap ("split earth") - Cáñon Dolores. Mixco 1985a:75. 'Matkw'nyaw ("hidden"). Mixco 1985a:212. 'Matpcux ("box canyon") - Meling Ranch. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:21. 'Matphuuy ("gray earth"). Mixco 1985a:75. Matxiwnay. Small dunes in Valle Trinidad. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:196. Matxiwtay. Large dunes in Valle Trinidad. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:196. 'Ma'xyint. Clearings. Mixco 1985a:78. Mejé(u)wey. Hill east of Arroyo León. Meigs 1939:82. Miltí(ñi)ja', Mlti'xa' ("coyote spring"). Arroyo. Meigs 1939:13; Mixco 1985a:87. Mlti't'nkwiilupu' ("where coyote rolled around") - Rancho Coyote. Near San Telmo. Mixco 1985a:58. Mnwiycwilu. Arroyo south of Arroyo Grande. Mixco 1985a:88. Mnwiyxa'. Mixco 1985a:88. Mnyispt'nkwiinpu' ("where the foetus rolled over"). Mixco 1985a:88. Msilmswaay ("hollowed by foot"). Downstream from La Parra. Mixco 1985a:88, 143, 175. Msi'xa' ("star spring"). North of Cerro Borrego. Mixco 1985a:88. Mswan - San Telmo. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:176. Mtskwaytayu'. Near Arroyo Esperanza. Mixco 1985a:89, 147. Mttaywiiy ("world mountain"). Mixco 1985a:89. Mtwaaywalu, Mtwaywaluwiiy - Picacho del Diablo. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:89. Muñajachán. Canyon on the eastern slope. Meigs 1939:68. Múwá' wey, 'Muwwa'wiiy ("mountain-sheep's home mountain") - Cerro Salvatierra. Meigs 1939:4, 5, 13; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:91. Mxwaa ("badger") - Los Coches. Mixco 1983:1. Myalkwpx'caamp ("wild pancake camp"). Mixco 1985a:310. Myay - Rancho la Señal. Near Chucho Prieto. Mixco 1985a:92. Newíchuwílu. Canyon on the eastern slope. Meigs 1939:68. Niay wey, Nyaaywiiy ("tawny hill"). Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:103. Ni'pai - Gulf of California. Ochoa Zazueta 1978b:99. Nipay. Salt lagoon. Meigs 1939:12, 72. Ñipumjosujachí, Nypmhuus wxaa c'ii. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. Nmi'tayphi'kwwatwat ("flat cougar nose"). Mountain northwest of Valle Trinidad. Mixco 1985a:179. N'wis'j'káyu. Arroyo. Meigs 1939:4. Ny'iys'milu ("hanging head"). Descent into Valle Trinidad. Mixco 1985a:233. Pachuwílu. Arroyo. Meigs 1939:7, 19. Palpahnyu'u' ("fever ranch") - Rancho de las Calenturas. Mixco 1985a:113. Pankwc'iy ("barrel cactus"). Mixco 1985a:113. Phuwlqhaw ("sagebrush canyon"). Near Rancho Tepí on San Pedro Mártir plateau. Mixco 1985a:66. Pnyil ("painted") - Santo Domingo. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:106. 'Qhaaysnyamp ("narrows"). Near Arroyo Grande. Mixco 1985a:103, 129. Qhaayxri' ("looming cliff") - Rancho Concepción. South of Arroyo León, near Arroyo Espino, on road to San Telmo. Mixco 1985a:129, 134. Qhatkwlqhawx'sulu'. Small pass into San Antonio del Valle. Mixco 1985a:66. Selewálo, S'liiwalu. Mountain. Meigs 1939:4, 8; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:235. Seminja, Sminxa' ("shrew water") - El Diablito Peak. Meigs 1939:19; Mixco 1985a:150. Skint yuu ("gap"). Small pass. Mixco 1985a:48. Sultap, 'Wiiyswtalp, Wiiy sutalp ("slanted hill"). East of Chucho Prieto. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:159, 183. Sxnkwal . In the San Felipe Desert. Mixco 1985a:53. Ta'mcar. Narrow pass into Valle Trinidad. Mixco 1985a:161. Tawswiilp - Cerro Pinto. Mixco 1985a:154, 160. Tesíl ("a salty thing") - Arroyo León. Meigs 1939:13. Telkwábo wey, Tlkwapu wiiy. Mountain. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. Tpkwisxltap. Small valley in Sierra Salvatierra. Mixco 1985a:197. Tsmiilhnyupuu' ("where the tadpole shrimp fought"). Mixco 1985a:107, 166. Tuwáloñiwey, Twalunywiiyu', Twalu nywiiy ("where the birds mourn"). Mountain. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:178. Ucha' wey. Mountain. Meigs 1939:4. 'Uha'cxpaatu ("hurdle stone"). Mixco 1985a:168. 'Uha'puql'xa' ("water under stone"). Mixco 1985a:168, 194. 'Uha'x'aay ("etched stone"). Petroglyphs. Mixco 1985a:168. 'Uha'xmhiirhpaau', 'Uha'xmxiirhpaau'("rock where flying squirrel lay"). Mixco 1985a:168. Uká'wá'wéy - Crow's Mountain House. Meigs 1939:60. Wey cojó, 'Wiiy kwhuu. Mountain. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. Wey cunyéo - Santo Domingo. Hohenthal 2001:18; Meigs 1939:28. Wey ikwiái ("mountain head of white hair"). Meigs 1939:13. Weykikos ("large hills"). Between San Ramón and San Quintín. Meigs 1939:77. Wey mijak, 'Wiiymiyhaq ("leg-bone mountain") - Cerro Pinto. Meigs 1939:4, 72, 81; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:86, 183. 'Wiiy'hi' ("onion hill") - Cerro Cebolla. Mixco 1985a:183. 'Wiiykwchaaw - Cerro Blanco. Mixco 1985a:9, 183. 'Wiiykwmiiykwsxma'i 'wiiytkwhuu ("fearsome shaman mountain") - Cerro Calabaza. Near Arroyo Grande, north of Cerro Borrego. Mixco 1985a:79. 'Wiiykwsqhalp ("crotch mountain") - Cerro Cuate. Near Arroyo León. Mixco 1985a:130. 'Wiiykws'yaay ("gray streaked mountain") - Cerro Canoso. Mixco 1985a:215. 'Wiiykwx'nphaqy ("pointed mountain") - El Picacho. Mixco 1985a:117, 204. 'Wiiynay. Small mountain. Mixco 1985a:183. 'Wiiynyaay ("tawny mountain") - Cerro Prieto. Mixco 1985a:183. 'Wiiypnyil ("painted mountain") - Cerro Santo Domingo. Mixco 1985a:106. 'Wiiytay ("large mountain"). Mixco 1985a:183. 'Wiiytiiy ("dark mountain"). Mixco 1985a:183. 'Wiiytkwnsaaw ("small rib mountain") - Cerro Costilla. Mixco 1985a:183. 'Wiiyxntuq. Mountain. Mixco 1985a:166. 'Wiiyxpil ("filthy mountain") - Cerro Capirota. Mixco 1985a:201. 'Wiiyx'waaq ("twin mountains"). Same as Xpars'win. In western part of Valle Trinidad. Mixco 1985a:205 'Wiiyyuwl - La Sierrita. In Sierra San Pedro Mártir. Mixco 1985a:222. 'Wi'yaaypxyaru', 'Wi'yayywa'pxyaru' ("where the snakes feasted") - Rancho Buena Vista. On the San Pedro Mártir Plateau. Mixco 1985a:215, 217. 'Wi'yaayxyaru' ("where the night snakes mourn"). Ranch. Mixco 1985a:185. Xa'hpaau' - Tinaja Valdez. Mixco 1985a:311. Xa'hxpi' ("ponds") - Las Pozas. Mixco 1985a:310. Xa'kwmiry ("fortunate water") - El Jonuco. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:84. Xa'kwmraaw - Arroyo Agua Caliente. Hot spring in San Felipe Desert. Mixco 1985a:309. Xa'kwtyin ("round spring") - Pozo Redondo. Near Chucho Prieto. Mixco 1985a:218. Xa'lha'l'wiiykwyuw - Isla San Martín. Mixco 1985a:194. Xa''luu ("corrupt water"). Mixco 1985a:194, 235. Xa'lqhaw. Spring. Mixco 1985a:66. Xá tai iñom ("sea of the fishes") - Gulf of California. Ochoa Zazueta 1978b:99. Xá tai tukuñam ("great sea") - Pacific Ocean. Ochoa Zazueta 1978b:99. Xa' tay ("big water") - Pacific Ocean. Mixco 1983:1. Xa'wiiykwcan ("spring behind mountain"). Mixco 1985a:183, 194. Xa'xaycwilu. Arroyo at Janielja. Mixco 1985a:193-194. Xa'xl'muwp. Twin waterfalls in Sierra San Pedro Mártir at the headwaters of the San Rafael River. Mixco 1985a:91. Xa'yaqu' ("where there is water") - Jaquejel Spring. Near Cerro Borrego in San Felipe Desert. Mixco 1985a:194, 216. Xi'xiwm kwnyiiyp. Mixco 1983:1. Xikilcpat. Mouth of Arroyo Esperanza or Arroyo de la Vaca. Mixco 1985a:195. Xilqhawy - La Cieneguita. Mixco 1985a:195. Xlqhaw'uha'taayu ("boulder canyon"). Mixco 1985a:66. Xmir - Arroyo San Rafael. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:199. Xnalsxqhaayu ("diagonal bedrock"). Mixco 1985a:199. Xpars'win ("antelope's penis") - Cerro Berrendo. Same as 'Wiiyx'waaq. Mixco 1985a:157, 200, 205. Xpuq. Mixco 1985a:202. Xs'irxltap - Rancho los Encinos. Small valley on Arroyo Encino, southwest of Arroyo León on San Pedro Mártir Plateau. Mixco 1985a:197, 203. Xskwilp. Mountain near San Matías Pass. Mixco 1985a:58. Xta'cpaayt - Rancho Carricito. Near Chucho Prieto. Mixco 1985a:203. Xucaw'wiiy - Cerro las Cabrillas. Mixco 1985a:204. Xwiymxa' ("south water") - San Felipe. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:205. Xyaaw - San Matías Pass. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:206. Xyaay, Xyaaq. Mixco 1985a:206, 297. Xyil - Arroyo Esperanza. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:206. Yaaw - Rancho La Señal. Mixco 1985a:310. Yaikinávo. Meigs 1939:69. ''Yaawcwilu ("willow canyon") - Sauce Alegre. Mixco 1985a:21. Yuwkw'muunkwnym ("locoweed country"). Mixco 1985a:295 KILIWA NAMES FOR PLACES OUTSIDE OF KILIWA TERRITORYA'ak wey, 'Aaq wiiy. Mountain. In Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. Cwilukws'aay ("dry arroyo"). Near Colnett Bay. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1985a:156. Cwilu'palpahnyu'u' ("fever arroyo") - Cañon de las Calenturas. Western exit of Valle Trinidad. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1985a:106. 'Ipa'c'aa ("standing stick") - Tijuana. In Kumeyaay territory. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:41. Jacopál. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Jacopán, Xa'kw'pan ("warm springs") - Agua Caliente. Ranchería. In Paipai territory. Cf. Paipai Jakwedelúi. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:113, 194. Ja-íl. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Jakwisiyai - Agua Hechicera. In Kumeyaay territory. Meigs 1939:87. Já'mú, X'muw, Ha-máu ("no water") - Jamau. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Paipai territory. Hohenthal 2001:332; Meigs 1939:68; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:91, 206. Jankíl. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Cf. Jankílawa in Kiliwa territory. Meigs 1939:68. Japlujá. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Japiñá. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Japoknián, Xpi'kw'xnaan, Xpi'kw'naan("fenced pond") - San Isidoro. In Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:94, 123, 311. Já'sá. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Cf. Ja'sa in Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:68. Ja'sa'. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Paipai territory. Cf. Já'sá in Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Jasíg ("flat land") - Valle Trinidad. In Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:12. Jasígre, Jasirgija. Small water hole. Cf. Paipai Jasér. In Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:4, 19. Jasujáp. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Juá'pok. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:68. Jupap wey, Xpap'wiiy, Xupap wiiy ("sphere mountain") - Cerro Bola. In Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:200. Jupapja, Xpap'xa', Xupap xa' - El Aguajito. In Paipai territory. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:200. Jwaknpai. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Kaysiñáo. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Kekwalp - Arroyo Carrisito. In Paipai territory. Cf. Paipai J'wach, M'kwídejá. Meigs 1939:4. Kunaypijí. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Kwiniel wey, Kwnyiil wiiy. Mountain. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1983:1; Meigs 1939:4. Kw'iyhpaatay - Laguna Salada. In Cocopa territory. Mixco 1985a:62. 'Matkws'il ("salty earth") - Laguna Salada. In Cocopa territory. Mixco 1985a:52, 75. 'Mat xu'sawy - Valle Trinidad. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1983:1. 'Matxu'sawykwkwal ("red valley") - San Vicente. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1985a:53. Metwaywálo. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Mkhwir - Cañon El Carricito. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:47, 87. Mkhwirxa'. Spring. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:47. Mltay - El Álamo. In Kumeyaay territory. Mixco 1985a:87. Temú. Canyon on the eastern slope. In Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Tmuw - Cáñon Copal. Near Colorado Delta. In Cocopa territory. Mixco 1985a:166. Tlpi'nyxa' ("roadrunner water") - Aguaje de la Churea. Down a canyon to the west of Valle Trinidad. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1985a:165. Xa'tay kwatu' ("sea edge") - Ensenada. In Kumeyaay territory. Mixco 1983:1. Wei ijí, Wiiy' ihi. Mountain. In Paipai territory. Hohenthal 2001:4; Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. 'Wiiykwnyiir ("black mountain"). Cinder cone near Mexicali. In Cocopa territory. Mixco 1985a:183. 'Wiiyxpil ("dirty mountain") - Cerro Capirota. Volcanic cone near Mexicali. In Cocopa territory. Mixco 1985a:183. Xa'hyil - Colorado River. In Cocopa territory. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:218. Xs'ir ("little waterhole") - El Aguajito, Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas. In Valle Trinidad. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:156, 203. X'sulu' - El Portezuelo. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1985a:240. Xwanymat - Mexicali. In Kumeyaay territory. Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:310. Yuwl'mat - Santa Catarina. In Paipai territory. Mixco 1985a:221. OTHER GROUPS' NAMES FOR PLACES IN KILIWA TERRITORYAwichauwas ("feather mountain"). Cocopa name. Gifford 1933:261; Hohenthal 2001:15-16. Atáti - Las Chollas. Paipai name. Meigs 1977:15. Chikumíkulté - Arroyo Grande. Paipai name. Meigs 1939:19. Jankilawá. Arroyo. Cf. Jankílawa in Kiliwa. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:316. Kuwem ha - San Felipe. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:53, 316. Ñimitai ñuwa, Imitai ñuwa ("lion house") - Arroyo Leon. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:43, 74. Teperekau - Santo Domingo. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:70. Tsupáxa wiya, Chipa wey. Mountain near Valle Trinidad. Paipai name. Meigs 1977:17. 'Ui'a:la - San Matías Pass, Guadalupe Mountain. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:73, 75-76. 'Ui'ša:kalp - Santo Domingo. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:54. Wí ka'il ("high mountain") - Sierra San Pedro Mártir. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:316. |
Paipai Place Names
Ch-kaaip. A marsh near San Isidoro. Meigs 1977:14. Cikumi kepete - San Telmo. Hohenthal 2001:54. Cikumi kiyulk ("marsh arroyo") - San Rafael Arriba. Hohenthal 2001:54. Cikumi kobetece ("big arroyo") - Arroyo Grande. Hohenthal 2001:52-53. Cikumi kukwin ("looping arroyo") - San Vicente. Hohenthal 2001:54. Ha'kebetece ("big water") - Pacific Ocean. Hohenthal 2001:316. Ha'ketepohol, Ha'ketepuhol, Jacatobojol, Jacatobol, Jak'tbjol, Jactucjol ("water that falls loudly") - Santa Catarina. Bendímez Patterson 1989:19-20; Hohenthal 2001:9; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Ha'kiyel, Ja-kijel, Jacal, Jaquijel, Ha-kihel ("running water") - Agua Tule. Hohenthal 2001:4, 43, 332; Meigs 1939; North 1910:293. Ha'pokiñan, Hapuk'ñan, Japok-n yan, Japoknián, Japú kinñiam ("overflowing dam") - San Isidoro. Hohenthal 2001:54, 316; Meigs 1939:4; Meigs 1977:11; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Ha'se'er - Trinidad Valley. Hohenthal 2001:316. Ha'si: kakubetec ("big salt water") - Pacific Ocean. Hohenthal 2001:316. Ha'sil ("salt water") - Pacific Ocean. Hohenthal 2001:52. Ha'si:lñak ("east salt water") - Gulf of California. Hohenthal 2001:53. Ha'siyer - Arroyo Carrisito. Hohenthal 2001:54. Iwél - San Antonio del Mar. Meigs 1977:15. Ja carrui - Agua Caliente. Bendímez Patterson 1989:18, 47. Jakwedelúi - Agua Caliente. Cf. Kiliwa Jacopán. Meigs 1939:4. Jasér. Small water hole. Cf. Kiliwa Jasígre. Meigs 1939:19. Jatis ("scorpion water"). A small watering place in the desert. Meigs 1977:14. J'wach - Arroyo Carrisito. Cf. M'kwídejá; Kiliwa Kekwalp. Meigs 1939:4. Kanyilawi, Kwiñiel Wey - Cerro La Noche, Cerro Prieto. Gifford and Lowie 1928:340; Hohenthal 2001:15; Meigs 1939:4. Lechán - Cañón Colorado. Same as 'Ajmal. Bendímez Patterson 1989:49. Mat'kwar kwolxwat', Mat ka caul ka jat ("red earth plain") - Llano Colorado. Bendímez Patterson 1989:50; Hohenthal 2001:52. Mat'mu:l ("land of antelope") - La Berrenda. Hohenthal 2001:54. Mat'xuwal - Sierra Juárez. Hohenthal 2001:52. Miskiñ - Dolores. Hohenthal 2001:54. M'kwídejá - Arroyo Carrisito. Cf. J'wach; Kiliwa Kekwalp. Meigs 1939:4. 'Ui'kecupakop ("stone circle") - San Jacinto. Hohenthal 2001:54. 'Ui'ketubekan ("stone gate") - San Antonio del Mar. Hohenthal 2001:54. 'Ui'š tar - San Miguel. Hohenthal 2001:54. Wicualj. Hills north of Santa Catarina. Bendímez Patterson 1989:23. Xayuwka'xwat - Agua Colorada. Mixco 1985b. Yiu kañac ("black springs") - Valle de San Rafael. Hohenthal 2001:52. PAIPAI NAMES FOR PLACES OUTSIDE OF PAIPAI TERRITORYAtáti - Las Chollas. In Kiliwa territory. Meigs 1977:15. Chikumíkulté - Arroyo Grande. In Kiliwa territory. Meigs 1939:19. Ha'karui ("hot water") - La Grulla. In Kumeyaay territory. Hohenthal 2001:52. Ha'kesol ("water hole, well") - Los Alisitos. In Kumeyaay territory. Hohenthal 2001:54. Ha'kubetece ("big water") - Bahía de Todos Santos. In Kumeyaay territory. Hohenthal 2001:52. Ha'kwolxwat ("red water") - Río Hardy. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:53. Ha'si: ("salt water") - Laguna Macuata. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:316. Ha'si:p kiyulk ("saltwater marsh") - San Pablo. In Kumeyaay territory. Hohenthal 2001:54. Hwanya:k ñuwai ("people of east") - Paso de Asufre. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:316. Ja achpun - Agua Hervidora. In Kumeyaay territory. Bendímez Patterson 1989:49. Jankilawá. Arroyo. Cf. Jankílawa in Kiliwa. In Kiliwa territory. Hohenthal 2001:316. Kat'ikal ucipace ("where there are abalones") - Punta Banda. In Kumeyaay territory. Hohenthal 2001:52. Kuwem ha - San Felipe. In Kiliwa territory. Hohenthal 2001:53, 316. Pa:ñak ñumát' ("land of eastern people") - Sierra Cucapá. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:316. Tsupáxa wiya, Chipa wey. Mountain near Valle Trinidad. In Kiliwa territory. Meigs 1977:17. 'Ui'kwolxwat ("red rock") - Cerro Colorado. In Kumeyaay territory. Hohenthal 2001:52. 'Ui'ša:kalp - Santo Domingo. In Kiliwa territory. Hohenthal 2001:54. Wí ka'il ("high mountain") - Sierra San Pedro Mártir. In Kiliwa territory. Hohenthal 2001:316. Xeli:s ñuwa ("house of Xeli:s") - Río Hardy. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:53. OTHER GROUPS' NAMES FOR PLACES IN PAIPAI TERRITORYA'ak wey, ''Aaq wiiy. Mountain. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. Avi-aspa ("eagle peak"). Mohave name. Hohenthal 2001:4; North 1910:293. Avi-savet-kyela - Cerro La Noche. Mohave name. Hohenthal 2001:4. Awiispa - Eagle Peak. Cocopa name. Gifford 1933:260; Hohenthal 2001:4. Cwilukws'aay ("dry arroyo"). Near Colnett Bay. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985a:156. Cwilu'palpahnyu'u' ("fever arroyo") - Cañon de las Calenturas. Western exit of Valle Trinidad. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985a:106. Ha'kiyel, Ja-kijel. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:76. Jacopán, Xa'kw'pan ("warm springs") - Agua Caliente. Ranchería. Kiliwa name. Cf. Paipai Jakwedelúi. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1985aa:113, 194. Já'mú, X'muw, Ha-máu, Já'mao ("no water") - Jamau. Canyon on the eastern slope. Kiliwa name. Hohenthal 2001:332; Meigs 1939:68; Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:91, 206; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Ja'sa'. Canyon on the eastern slope. Kiliwa name. Cf. Já'sá in Cochimí territory. Meigs 1939:68. Jasíg ("flat land") - Valle Trinidad. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:12; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Jasígre, Jasirgija. Small water hole. Cf. Paipai Jasér. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:4, 19. Juá'pok. Canyon on the eastern slope. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:68. Jupap wey, Xpap'wiiy, Xupap wiiy ("sphere mountain") - Cerro Bola. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:200. Jupapja, Xpap'xa', Xupap xa' - El Aguajito. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1, 1985a:200. Kekwalp - Arroyo Carrisito. Kiliwa name. Cf. Paipai J'wach, M'kwídejá. Meigs 1939:4. Kwiniel wey, Kwnyiil wiiy. Mountain. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1; Meigs 1939:4. Mat'si:wil - Sierra de las Tinajas. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:72. 'Mat xu'sawy - Valle Trinidad. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1. 'Matxu'sawykwkwal ("red valley") - San Vicente. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985a:53. Mkhwir - Cañon El Carricito. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:47, 87. Mkhwirxa'. Spring. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:47. Numischapsakal - Cerro La Noche. Cocopa name. Hohenthal 2001:52. Tikail šašau - San Telmo. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:70. Tlpi'nyxa ("roadrunner water") - Aguaje de la Churea. Down a canyon to the west of Valle Trinidad. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985a:165. Ucha' wey. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:4. Waiyukichú - Santa Catarina. Kiliwa name. Meigs 1939:70. Wei ijí, Wiiy' ihi. Mountain. Kiliwa name. Hohenthal 2001:4; Meigs 1939:4; Mixco 1983:1. X'sulu' - El Portezuelo. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985a:240. Yuwl'mat - Santa Catarina. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985a:221. |
Kumeyaay Place Names
Amux, Mux, emu:l - La Berrenda. Hohenthal 2001:74. Awal'maiyau - Rancho los Álamos. Hohenthal 2001:71. Awí-ñijá ("rattlesnake water"). Meigs 1971:12. AxmanyEhá. Settlement south of Jacumba. Spier 1923:302. Axta:, Xa:ta, Ax:t'a, J'tá ("reed, tule") - La Huerta. Hohenthal 2001:16, 52, 71, 75, 102; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26; Spier 1923:302. Axta:m. Ranchería in Valle de las Palmas. Hohenthal 2001:75. Cemelpul - La Ciénaga. In Valle de las Palmas. Hohenthal 2001:66. Cewakai, cewekai - Cañon del Diablo. Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:65, 129, 246. Chimishpú ("navel"). Meigs 1971:12.
Cjhimíljh-pau ("ants coming out"). Hill. Meigs 1971:12. Cukwapa:l, Šekwapa:l, Chikwapaljh - El Compadre. Hohenthal 2001:50, 67, 84; Meigs 1971:11. Cupi:sul - Cañon del Burro. Hohenthal 2001:67, 85. Eñekwa, Nicuarr - San Antonio de Necua. Cf. Šiltiš, Sneau šcuil. Hohenthal 2001:40, 67; Meigs 1939:116. Esinyao uxkwil - Cañada de los Encinos. Hohenthal 2001:68. Ha'a, Xa'a - Álamo. Canyon. Cf. 'Ui'ha'tumer, 'Ui'xumir. Hohenthal 2001:67, 82, 102; Shipek 1991:26, etc. Ha'amen ("water hole"). Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:66. Ha'cepawa. A spring in the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:66. Ha'cur ("cold water") - San Salvador, El Salvador. Hohenthal 2001:75. Ha'cukpun - Santa Clara Valley. Hohenthal 2001:74, 86, 112. Ha'kai - La Ramadita. Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:65, 82. Ha'kai tamul, Caitamul ("ripe fallen islay fruit". Near Jamatay. Hohenthal 2001:67. Ha'kecupui - Agua de Meganos. Hohenthal 2001:70. Ha'kume, Jacume. Hohenthal 2001:64. Ha'kumum, Jacamún - Agua Tule. Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:67. Ha'kusiyai, Xákwisiyaí ("shaman's water") - Agua Hechicera. Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:67, 82-83, 87, 143, 173; Spier 1923:302. Hakwin, Ha'kwin, Jakwin, Jacuín - Cañon del Sauce Chino. Hohenthal 2001:66, 203. Ha'mat'tai, Jamatay. Hohenthal 2001:44, 67. Ha'meškiñ - Agua La Berrenda. Hohenthal 2001:74. Ham'url. Desert. Hohenthal 2001:73. Ha'ša ai, Ša ("bird water") - Laguna Macuata. Hohenthal 2001:72. Ha'samen - El Aguaje. Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:105. Ha'si:l, Hasils ("salt water") - Pacific Ocean. Cf. Ha'wi:k. Hohenthal 2001:28, 70. Ha'tai, Xataí ("big water"). Near El Sauzal; southeast of Jacumba (cf. Jasay). Hohenthal 2001:70; Spier 1923:303. Ha'wi:k ("western water") - Pacific Ocean. Cf. Ha'si:l. Hohenthal 2001:70. Hwa'unewa. A hill in the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:66. I:lyau ñuwa, Išlau nuwa ("jackrabbit's house") - Puerto de Conejo. Hohenthal 2001:69, 86, 306. Isiñe ha, Esiñeha - Rincón de los Encinos. Hohenthal 2001:68, 86. Iškišup, Eskwišup - San José de la Zorra. Cf. Nan, Šixlup. Hohenthal 2001:69, 86. Ja-chkat ("cold water") - Agua Fría. Meigs 1971:12. Jak'p'shúl. Wells. Meigs 1971:12. Ja-kwak-wak, Xakwakwók ("bitter water") - Las Juntas. Meigs 1971:11; Spier 1923:303. Ja mérrcuwáu ("[name of tree] water"). Meigs 1972:38. Ja mil mil ("barely trickling water"). Spring. Meigs 1972:38. Jat'ám - Santa Clara. Meigs 1971:12. Jhlumúk ("shoulder") - Guadalupe Valley. Cf. Mat ar:kuatei. Meigs 1971:12. Jiurr-jiurr - Agua Escondida. Meigs 1971:12. Jtpá-ñijá ("coyote water"). Meigs 1971:11. Juljuat. Spring on the eastern margin of the Sierra Juárez. Meigs 1972:38. Kaparac. Ranchería in the Guadalupe area. Hohenthal 2001:68, 86. Kwa-kwa ("deer hide") - Cuero de Venado. Meigs 1971:12. Kruor ("round stones") - Calabasas Canyon. Hohenthal 2001:66, 67, 83. Kurrurr. Meigs 1971:11. Kwakui ha:wak - García Ranch. In the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:83. Kwapenkút ("cross"). Settlement. Spier 1923:303. KwapóL. Settlement. Spier 1923:302. Kwar nuwa ("red house") - El Sauzal. Hohenthal 2001:70. Kwat' kunšapax - Calabasas. Ranchería. Hohenthal 2001:106, 134. Kwilmi - Rancho Albaño. In the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:67, 83, 231. Maka: - Encino de Tecolote. In the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:66, 68, 81, 167. Mat ar:kuatei ("extended land") - Valle de Guadalupe. Cf. Jhlumúk. Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Mat-cuajuat-curriarr ("round red land") - Campo Nacional. Meigs 1972:38. Mat'haina:l, Mat'ha'unal, Mat j'nael ("piedra laja") - Villareal de San José. Hohenthal 2001:65; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Mat'ha - Hohenthal 2001:69. Mat'hapa ("white clay land") - Tierra Blanca. In the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:67, 83. Mat'ices ("heart of the world"). A peak. Hohenthal 2001:70. Mat-karr-karr ("large round mountain") - Table Mountain. Meigs 1971:12. Mat'kwamai - Sierra Juárez, Cf. Mat'kwatap, 'Ui'ešpa. Hohenthal 2001:72. Mat'kwatap - Sierra Juárez. Cf. Mat'kwamai, 'Ui'ešpa. Hohenthal 2001:72. Mat'kwoho:l, Emat'kwahal ("red earth") - Cerro Colorado. In the Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:65, 80. Mat'matarnexi, Mat'matarnehi - Valle de Nejí. Hohenthal 2001:67, 83. Mat-mú ("mountain sheep mountain") - Cerro Santo Domingo. Meigs 1971:12. Mat'nexi ("Nejí's land") - Cerro Nejí - Hohenthal 2001:67. Matnúk ("bend"). Settlement. Spier 1923:302. Meskiñ - Dolores. Hohenthal 2001:74. Metot'tai - Valle de las Palmas. Cf. Ta'ui'mir. Hohenthal 2001:66, 85. Milk-shop - San José. Meigs 1971:12. Mokopa'. Mountain peak south of Jacumba. Spier 1923:302 Mui-curiarr ("round palm"). Watering place; aguaje. Meigs 1972:38. Mui-yeua ("place of palms"). Watering place; aguaje. Meigs 1972:38. Muspi'lyayau ("sparrow hawk"). Settlement. Spier 1923:303. Mutu cata - Cañon del Cansio. Hohenthal 2001:66, 85. Nan, Nam, Mel na'n ("rats' nest") - San José de la Zorra. Cf. Iškišup, Šixlup. Hohenthal 2001:69, 86; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Nijí, Uiy'n'jí ("little old worked rock") - Nejí. Meigs 1971:11; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Ñiljhmí - Cañada Diabla. Meigs 197a:12. Ñimita hatupa ("place where lion plays"). Hohenthal 2001:81. Ñipai hami - Sierra de la Avena Bronca. In the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:66. Oha' tiñur, Ojá tinúrr ("painted cave"). In the Nejí area. Hohenthal 2001:66, 81; Meigs 1972:38. Ojá cuñurr, Oha 'tinyur ("painted cave") - Guadalupe. Hohenthal 2001:40, 86; Meigs 1935:116. Pa-tai ("large man") - Ensenada. Hohenthal 2001:40; Meigs 1939:102? Pin'ha - Agua Caliente de Guadalupe. Cf. 'Ui'kwilul. Hohenthal 2001:72. Piulatcaú. Settlement. Spier 1923:303. Ša:išmat', Ša išmat. Hohenthal 2001:69, 86, 108, 306. Šapeltiš - Ranchito. In Valle de las Palmas. Hohenthal 2001:66. Šikau - El Barril. Hohenthal 2001:71. Si:l ("salt") - San Rafael Valley. Hohenthal 2001:71. Šiltiš - San Antonio de Necua. Cf. Eñekwa, Sneau šcuil. Hohenthal 2001:68, 86. Šixlup - San José de la Zorra. Cf. Iškišup, Nan. Hohenthal 2001:75. Si:xsyup - ranchería of San José. In Valle de Guadalupe. Hohenthal 2001:67. Sneau šcuil ("oak bend") - San Antonio Necua. Cf. Eñekwa, Šiltiš. Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Sumul wal - El Mero. Hohenthal 2001:71. Su:xwal - Gulf of California. Hohenthal 2001:72. Ta'ui'mir - Valle de las Palmas. Cf. Metot'tai. Hohenthal 2001:75. Tekate - Tecate. Hohenthal 2001:64. Teperka - Los Coches. Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:65. Uap 'cu:l uit, 'Uap'cu:l'uit ("wind takes house") - Manteca. Ranchería. Hohenthal 2001:81-82, 100. 'Ui'cikwar ("red rock hill"?) - Real del Castillo. Hohenthal 2001:71. 'Ui'ešpa - Sierra Juárez. Cf. Mat'kwamai, Mat'kwatap. Hohenthal 2001:72. 'Ui'hapal ("elderberry rock") - Peña Blanca. Hohenthal 2001:67. 'Ui'ha'tumer - Álamo. Ranchería. Cf. Ha'a, 'Ui'xumir. Hohenthal 2001:102. 'Ui'haxkul ("killdeer rock") - Parra's ranch. Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:65. 'Ui'ilmex ("crying rock") - Cañon de Manteca. Hohenthal 2001:64-65. 'Ui kemun - Picacho de los Monos. Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:81. 'Ui'kwao - La Ramadita. Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:64, 82, 100. 'Ui'kwatai ("fat rock") - Piedra Gorda. Hohenthal 2001:70-72. 'Ui'kwilul - Agua Caliente de Guadalupe. Cf. Pin'ha. Hohenthal 2001:72. 'Ui'toman - Cañada de los Encinos. Hohenthal 2001:68, 109. 'Ui'umal, 'Ui'umal hut ("painted rock") - Picacho de los Monos. Manteca area. Hohenthal 2001:64, 81, 82. 'Ui'xumir - Álamo. Cf. Ha'a, 'Ui'ha'tumer. Hohenthal 2001:75. Wanya pu:wam - Cerro de Bonifacia. Hohenthal 2001:69, 86. Wi-al. Spring. Meigs 1972:38. Wi-jakuisha. Watering place at piñon camp. Meigs 1972:38. Wij'paljh ("large wool-sack stones"). Meigs 1971:12. Wikwitckwul' ("gap between rocks"). Settlement. Spier 1923:303. Wishcaljh. Meigs 1972:38. Xakutkút. Settlement. Spier 1923:303. Xakwakwás ("yellow water"). Settlement in Jacumba Valley. Spier 1923:303. XakwénkEtopúl. Spier 1923:304. Xal'awi, Xa' awi, Xa'lawi - Flowers' ranch. San Marcos Valley. Hohenthal 2001:69-70, 81, 86. Xasíkwaiyaraú ("burnt black birds"). Settlement. Spier 1923:303. Xatamúr ("lake"). Settlement. Spier 1923:302. Xatopet ("dam") - Huerta. On the Alamo River. Gifford 1931:5-7. Xatsin - Seven Wells. Gifford 1931:8. Xiltai eñekwa - Cerro Nicuarr. Hohenthal 2001:69. Xišpap' - Cañon de las Cruces. Hohenthal 2001:70, 74. Xutepa ema'uwa ("coyotes' dance house") - Rancho Aguirre. Hohenthal 2001:69. Yalohó. South of Jacumba. Spier 1923:305. Yiu kwiñi:l ("black springs, eyes") - Ojos Negros. Hohenthal 2001:71, 86. KUMEYAAY NAMES FOR PLACES OUTSIDE OF KUMEYAAY TERRITORYHa'kiyel, Ja-kijel. In Paipai territory. Hohenthal 2001:76. Ha'xwal, Ha'kwohol ("red water") - Colorado River. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:44, 72. Mat'ñak - Sierra Cucapá. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:72. Mat'si:wil - Sierra Cucapá. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:72. Mat'si:wil - Sierra de las Tinajas. In Paipai territory. Hohenthal 2001:72. Ñimitai ñuwa, Imitai ñuwa ( "house of lion") - Arroyo Leon. In Kiliwa territory. Hohenthal 2001:43, 74, 242. Teperekau - Santo Domingo. In Kiliwa territory. Hohenthal 2001:70. Tikail šašau - San Telmo. In Paipai territory. Hohenthal 2001:70. 'Ui'a:la - San Matías Pass, Guadalupe Mountain. In Kiliwa territory. Hohenthal 2001:73, 75-76. 'Ui'axwir, 'Ui'axwera - Cerro de los Hat'am. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:73. 'Ui'tai wa - San Borja. In Cochimí territory. Hohenthal 2001:70. Wiespa - Cerro Prieto. In Cocopa territory. Gifford 1931:9. Xwa:t'ñak ñuwa ("east soldier house") - Río Hardy, Paso de Asufre. In Cocopa territory. Hohenthal 2001:14, 40, 42, 46, 72-73, 113, 308. OTHER GROUPS' NAMES FOR PLACES IN KUMEYAAY TERRITORYErscha - La Huerta. Cocopa name. Gifford 1933:262?; Hohenthal 2001:16. Ha'karui ("hot water") - La Grulla. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:52. Ha'kesol ("water hole, well") - Los Alisitos. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:54. Ha'si:p kiyulk ("saltwater marsh") - San Pablo. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:54. 'Ipa'c'aa ("standing stick") - Tijuana. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:41. Ja achpun - Agua Hervidora. Paipai name. Bendímez Patterson 1989:49. Jakwisiyai - Agua Hechicera. Kiliwa name. Cf. Kumeyaay Ha'kusiyai. Meigs 1939:87. Kat'ikal ucipace ("where there are abalones") - Punta Banda. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:52. Mltay - El Álamo. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985a:87. 'Ui'kwolxwat ("red rock") - Cerro Colorado. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:52. Wi kwis cek kwiska'ra ("place where two high rock peaks cast two shadows"). In the Sierra Juárez piñon area. Cocopa name. Kelly 1977:40. Xa'tay kwatu' ("sea edge") - Ensenada. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1. Xwanymat - Mexicali. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:310. |
Cocopa Place Names
A'u'ewawa. Settlement on the west bank of Colorado River. Gifford 1933:260. Awikucapa ("Cucapá mountain") - Sierra Cucapá. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260; Hohenthal 2001:15. Awisinyai. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260; Hohenthal 2001:15. BikweLap. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260. Camány kwwaw, Chaman kwawao, Caman kwawao, Caman kwowao. Camp near the Gulf of California. Crawford 1989:17; Kelly 1977:12, 52, 79. Esinyamapawhai. Settlement on the west bank of Colorado River. Gifford 1933:260. EweshespiL. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260. Ha'a kilikel. Camp. Kelly 1977:12, 79. Hauwala. Lake near the west bank of Colorado River. Gifford 1933:260. Hawar. Camp. Kelly 1977:12. Ha wi mek ("water on the other side of the mountain") - Laguna Salada. Kelly 1977:40. Heyauwah. Settlement on the west bank of Colorado River. Gifford 1933:260. Hose kwakus. Below El Mayor. Kelly 1977:41. Iiš škokwes. Kelly 1977:139. Kcur co:s. On Colorado River. Crawford 1989:52. Kerauk hap, Karukhap. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy; rock formation near the Gulf of California. Gifford 1933:160; Kelly 1977:121. Keyamacus. Pass in the Sierra Cucapá north of Mayor. Kelly 1977:118. Kwinyakwa'a. Settlement on the west bank of Colorado River. Gifford 1933:260. Nemisap. Rock south of Laguna Salada. Kelly 1977:121 Nipanyak. At the southern end of the Sierra Cucapá. Kelly 1977:121. Nyiwa cumawaš ("scalp soften"). North of El Mayor at the foot of the Sierra Cucapá. Kelly 1977:134-136. Nümischapsakal. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260. Pkuxáp, Pokohap. Camp. Crawford 1989:216; Kelly 1977:12. Spu kwakwas ("brown mountain"). At the southern end of the Sierra Cucapá. Kelly 1977:121. Spu kwinyir ("black mountain"). At the southern end of the Sierra Cucapá. Kelly 1977:121. Tamanikawa ("mullet place"). Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260; Hohenthal 2001:15. WeLsuL. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260. Wi cawal ("feather mountain"). A rock island at the head of the Gulf of California. Cf. Awichauwas in Kiliwa territory. Kelly 1977:74. Wi nyai, Wi: nya:y - Cerro Prieto. Crawford 1989:337; Kelly 1977:120-121, 126. Wi puk. In the eastern foothills of the Sierra Juárez. Kelly 1977:40. Wi shapil. Foothills at the southern end of Mayor Peak. Kelly 1977:121. Wi spa, Awiispa, awiispa' ("eagle mountain") - Mayor Peak. Settlement on the west bank of Río Hardy. Gifford 1933:260, 308, 312; Hohenthal 2001:15; Kelly 1977:74-75, 121. Wi: xmu, Ui'jmú,m, Wi hmoh, Wi hmokah, Awiahamoka ("mountain of the mills") - El Mayor. Settlement; mountain; rock formation. Crawford 1989:338; Gifford 1933:260; Kelly 1977:12, 121; Ochoa Zazueta 1979:26. Wi yal. Palm canyon in the mountains. Kelly 1977:56. X'a kílykály. In Baja California. Crawford 1989:372. Xàspáy xm'ul. Waterhole. Crawford 1989:345. Yamecus wanya. Pass through the Sierra Cucapá. Kelly 1977:40. Yishiyul. Settlement on the west bank of Colorado River. Gifford 1933:260. COCOPA NAMES FOR PLACES OUTSIDE OF COCOPA TERRITORYAwichauwas ("feather mountain"). Peak behind San Felipe. Cf. Wi cawal in Cocopa territory. In Kiliwa territory. Gifford 1933:261, 308; Hohenthal 2001:15-16. Awiispa ("eagle peak"). In Paipai territory. Gifford 1933:260; Hohenthal 2001:4. Erscha - La Huerta. In Kumeyaay territory. Gifford 1933:262; Hohenthal 2001:16. Numischapsakal - Cerro La Noche. In Paipai territory. Hohenthal 2001:52. Wi kwis cek kwiska'ra ("place where two high rock peaks cast two shadows"). In the Sierra Juárez piñon area. In Kumeyaay territory. Kelly 1977:40. OTHER GROUPS' NAMES FOR PLACES IN COCOPA TERRITORYHa'kwolxwat ("red water") - Río Hardy. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:53. Ha'si: ("salt water") - Laguna Macuata. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:316. Ha'xwal, Ha'kwohol ("red water") - Colorado River. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:44, 72. Hwanya:k ñuwai ("people of east") - Paso de Asufre. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:316. Kw'iyhpaatay - Laguna Salada. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985:62. 'Matkws'il ("salty earth") - Laguna Salada. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985:52, 75. Mat'ñak - Sierra Cucapá. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:72. Mat'si:wil - Sierra Cucapá. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:72. Pa:ñak ñumát' ("land of eastern people") - Sierra Cucapá. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:316. Tmuw - Cáñon Copal. Near Colorado Delta. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985:166. 'Ui'axwir, 'Ui'axwera - Cerro de los Hat'am. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:73. Weispa - Cerro Prieto. Kumeyaay name. Gifford 1931:9. 'Wiiykwnyiir ("black mountain"). Cinder cone near Mexicali. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985:183. 'Wiiyxpil ("dirty mountain") - Cerro Capirota. Volcanic cone near Mexicali. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1985:183. Xa'hyil - Colorado River. Kiliwa name. Mixco 1983:1; Mixco 1985a:218. Xeli:s ñuwa ("house of Xeli:s") - Río Hardy. Paipai name. Hohenthal 2001:53. Xwa:t'ñak ñuwa ("east soldier house") - Río Hardy. Kumeyaay name. Hohenthal 2001:14, 40, 42, 46, 72-73, 113, 308. |