Volunteer and Internships
Thank you for your interest in an internship and/or volunteering at the San Diego Archaeological Center. Applications for Spring 2024 Internship and Volunteer positions are closed.
Center staff continues to encourage and facilitate research projects related to the documentation and artifacts that we preserve. Center staff will assist with navigating collections-based research by helping to identify and provide access to the appropriate materials needed, digital when possible. We invite researchers and students to contact us with research suggestions, or for more information, visit our Research page.
Volunteers Make a Difference!
Maybe you’ve dreamed about being an archaeologist, simply enjoy history or want to learn new skills. We have a job for you! Volunteers are essential to fulfilling the Center’s Mission and we promise you will learn something new every day. The Center welcomes all volunteers and will work with you to discover what you enjoy doing most.
Applications for Spring 2024 Volunteer positions are closed.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Center has been active in preserving the cultural history of San Diego County for over 20 years. We are a museum where visitors can learn the story of how people have lived in San Diego County for the past 10,000 years. In addition, the Center serves as an education and research facility and is the only local organization dedicated to the collection, study, curation, and exhibition of San Diego County’s archaeological artifacts. Our success and contributions to the community are in part due to the contributions made by our interns and volunteers.
The Center is pleased to offer internships in Collections Management, Development & Marketing, Library Science, and Public Archaeology. The valuable archaeological resources curated at the Center offers interns the rare opportunity to work with millions of artifacts, thousands of archaeological reports and documentation never before brought together in one location. Interns can review archaeological theory and methodology of the past, as well as apply the latest ideas to existing collections. Interns gain experience in sharing this precious legacy with the public by designing exhibits or writing curricula. Interns may focus on a particular area of interest while conducting original research.
Although schedules are flexible, interns are expected to complete a minimum 100 hours or the numbers hours required for credit within the semester period. In addition to program and research specific tasks, interns will perform any other related duties as instructed. Interns are required to complete eight hours at either SDAC community events or as museum docent. These additional activities count toward total internship hours. All interns must agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the San Diego Archaeological Center.
Internship Opportunities
Application Process
Internships are open to all interested individuals and are available for college credit. The application process is similar for both credit and non-credit applicants. Schools, departments, professors, or professionals may refer interns. Interns may apply for 1, 2 or 3-unit internships with the approval of their schools and sponsoring departments. With approval of their sponsoring agencies, interns may apply for additional internships and may volunteer for non-credit experience.
Applications for Spring 2024 Internships are closed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Review some of the frequently asked questions from prospective interns and volunteers.