• Collections Curiosities Blog

    Artifacts of Summer

    Collections Curiosities is a monthly blog highlighting intriguing artifacts, books, and archival materials that staff, volunteers, and interns have discovered in Center collections and the Center Library. This month, Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator Vanessa Chappins explores artifacts that remind…

  • Collections Curiosities Blog

    Cosmetics and Wellness

    Collections Curiosities is a monthly blog highlighting intriguing artifacts, books, and archival materials that staff, volunteers, and interns have discovered in Center collections and the Center Library. This month, SDAC Volunteer James Sinclair explores beauty and wellness products from a…

  • Collections Curiosities Blog

    Ceramic Consumer Choices

    Collections Curiosities is a monthly blog highlighting intriguing artifacts, books, and archival materials that staff, volunteers, and interns have discovered in Center collections and the Center Library. This month, SDAC Volunteer Linda Coulson explores whether a particular historic ceramic tableware…

  • Collections Curiosities Blog

    Porcelain Plates

    The San Diego Archaeological Center is dedicated to fulfilling the intent of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to preserve examples of the major periods of California history and to offset the impact of land development pressures on cultural resources.…